Sketchy Ideas #34 - Making the unknown, known
Welcome back to the sketchy ideas newsletter. The newsletter full of ideas that just might help you out. Don't forget about my free workshop on Wednesday this week.
Hey friend,
I hope you had a good week. It's been a bit crazy for me with some illnesses, a new job starting soon and some other minor dramas.
I've been playing with excalidraw and concepts this week. Unfortunately Excalidraw doesn't really seem to work the way I do, but I'm far more positive on concepts now. Perhaps it could even replace procreate for me!
Anyway, on with the newsletter.
Making the unknown, known
I got into visual thinking through visual note taking. To me, it was primarily a method to save information. But even in my early days introducing sketchnoting to my students, I noticed that drawing could help them generate ideas, not just record them.
The same thing can happen in business environments. In both startups and corporations there have been moments where I grabbed a pen, made a quick sketch and it moved the discussion forward. Either I had understood correctly and so we could evaluate the idea, or I hadn't at which point I knew I was off!
Having the courage to sketch the idea can unlock a team. Keep your eye's out for a chance this week.
Gemma's Illustrated Diaries
gemma correll's daily diaries: March 9
Gemma made these diaries for a few years but has since ceased. I love the illustration styles and arrangements she uses.
Have a browse
Video: Simple sketchnote banners
A year or so ago I wrote an article on simple sketchnote banners. Well, now I have a video for it as well.
I have another video I need to edit up and made a couple more but had some crashes during production.
I need to get those bugs sorted before the workshop this week.
If you've watched on of these live streams, I'd love to know your thoughts.
You can use the voting card below.
What do you think of the live stream videos
If you've checked the video out, vote below. If you haven't, you can select the middle option.
Build your own? 👉
A couple of updates
Just to let you know, I'm making some changes.
I bought the domain and I'm moving the website and newsletter there. I have a different service in mind and I might even send you an email from it next week.
Have a fantastic week.