Sketchy Ideas #33 - Free workshop, focusing on character and getting emotional
Welcome back to the Sketchy Idea newsletter and possible the last one...from this email service. The rumours are that Revue maybe shut down so I'm preparing to move to a new service if that happens. Anyway, the newsletter will continue and I have some fun visuals and an announcement!
Join my free workshop
I've been invited to present in the Art of Workflow symposium.
The topic is using drawing to aid your thinking and memory. While this will cover some foundations of doodling and sketchnoting, it's really going to look at using visual in combination with a personal knowledge management systems.
Here are the key details
Date: Nov 16, 2022
Time: 12:00 Eastern
Length: 1hour (30 mins talk, 30 mins Q&A)
Recording access avalible but expires within a week.
You'll Know It Once You See It: How Visual Note Taking Unlocks New Ideas
Bring more balance, insight, and fun into your notes by learning how to easily incorporate drawings into them. No, you don't have to be an artist!
I hope to see you there.
A small twist, a big difference
Have you seen a visual for this principle Ash shared? I've seen tones (and even made a couple myself) but Ash's stood out for one reason. Instead of focusing on the results or proof of the idea, he focused on the characteristics necessary.
So now his image has a total different focus and his comparison works far better.
There's a great lesson for graphic recording and sketchnoting too: You can focus on the why, how or what of an idea and consider how your visual can support that.
Drawing emotions, without faces
Ready for an exciting week ahead
Because I'm excited about the upcoming events and this new video series, I'd love to know what is exciting you at the moment?
Just hit reply and let me know.
Speak soon!