Sketchy Ideas #31 - Consume more, Psychological safety in the workplace, 5 tips
Welcome back to Sketchy ideas - the newsletter that seeks to open the pencil case in your brain so you can get your ideas out in the world.
Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed last week's break. I certainly did.
It's been a very busy time for me recently and the great thing about a fun side project is you can take a break if you need.
Consumption is okay
This week, I re-read a recent newsletter from C.J.Chilvers on the value of consuming.
I see a lot of consumption shaming on Twitter. "Create, don't consume!" the charge goes. I believe the intention is well meaning — don't spend as long watching TV or whatever, spend more time creating.
It's a good idea, especially when you're starting out. But there's a limit. C.J. article helps to rebalance the scales.
Make sure you feed your creative spirit.
Developing Psychological Safety in the Workplace
Unfortunately I've seen the effects of toxic workplaces where you never know if today is okay to ask a question or if it will be viewed as an attack. In fact, I've even fallen into some of those negative traps in the past for which I am sorry.
I've also worked in more positive places and I saw the positive effects the environment plays on everyone. So when I found this sketchnote, I had to share it.
Thanks Rachel.
Community: Tips for Graphic Recording.
Graphic recording is a visual note taking formate but it is done to help others (rather than as personal notes). This makes it different in small and large ways.
I've been experimenting with some and I asked some friends for advice. Here's what they said. (They may be helpful even if you aren't interested in sketchnoting).
See you next week
Thanks once again for reading.
If you've enjoyed this issue, I'd be honoured if shared it with a friend who might like it too (or in a relevant community).
Thanks and see you next week
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