Sketchy Ideas #21 - a tasty sketchnote challenge about food
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Content: A sketchnote recipe
Sketchrezept - Rezept als Sketchnote - Sketchnotes by Diana
Schon mal ein Sketchrezept gezeichnet? Sketchnotes sind eine hervorragende Methode, um Prozesse visuell darzustellen, und ein Rezept hat jeder bei der Hand!
Diana's recipe sketchnotes provide some tasty inspiration for both cooking and creating.
In fact, she's the inspiration for this week's sketchnote challenge!
Challenge: Create a sketchnote recipe
Pick a meal you'd like to share and write down the ingredients and steps.
You want three elements
A picture of the final meal
A list of ingredients
Set-by-step instructions
You can use a similar layout to Diana's or mine below, but feel free to go your own way.
If you share it on social media, tag me so I can check it out. Or you can join the sketchy ideas club for some more privacy and feedback.
Style: Austin Kleon-esq
From The Ideal to The Real |
My diagrammatic musings aim to be stimulating distractions and a celebration of traditional graphic and mathematical methods taken out of context, or
I found this visual and it reminded me of Austin Kleon’s lose, white on black style. It’s one I’ve used many times too including for my learn create share t-shirt design and can stand out compared to our typical black on white expectations.
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